As consumer behavior has evolved, so has the ways businesses have responded to their requests.

A relatively new – and fast-growing – segment of the retail industry has been subscription-based retail services. And, as someone who runs a subscription service, you know just how much work each box takes to source and select products, package them nicely, and get the boxes into the hands of your customers.

To make the job a little easier for you, building a partnership with an experienced, skilled product fulfillment company can free up your time and headaches. Outsourcing your fulfillment allows you to focus instead on all the other segments of your business, including finding even more interesting and unique products and building a larger subscriber base.

The Benefits of Subscription-Based Fulfillment

Subscription boxes are becoming increasingly popular with discerning consumers seeking out the newest, most unique products to try. To give your customers the right experience, work with a company that provides superior product fulfillment services. Outsourcing your subscription-based fulfillment services offers a variety of benefits to your business, including:

Convenience for Both Parties

The amount of time and work it takes to pack and ship dozens – even thousands – of individual boxes every month can be a logistical nightmare. You have to receive individual shipments of products from a variety of retailers, unpack each product, and repack everything into one curated box.

Working with the right fulfillment company that can easily manage all the different pieces that go into a subscription box means every aspect – receiving, packing, and shipping – can happen without you ever having to touch a single item. And, because of the regular nature of subscription box distribution, this method offers a steady stream of income to the product fulfillment company.

Predictable Revenue

Your customers purchase your subscription boxes because they receive new, interesting products for a set fee – often well below the total retail value of the products inside.

When you’re able to maintain low overhead fulfillment costs, especially when related to packing and shipping each box, you can better predict and preserve your profit margins over time. And your fulfillment company receives a stable fee for their work for you, allowing them to plan their revenue stream more clearly.

Customer Loyalty

Loyal customers are key to a long-lasting, successful business. The better service you provide your customers, through the products you offer in each box and the speed with which they receive their boxes, the more likely they will maintain their subscriptions and remain loyal customers.

Manageable Stock

Managing a thriving subscription-based business requires a large amount of individual products. If your business doesn’t have a great deal of storage space, this can be overwhelming to your operations.

And for businesses that offer perishable or fragile products, the logistics of keeping everything safe and intact can be a hassle.

Working with the right subscription-based order fulfillment service, such as Cannon Hill Logistics, means your business benefits from our professionally organized and managed warehousing space. As your business grows, we simply allot you more space in our warehouse; you don’t have to go shopping for new warehousing space or take on more rental costs. Your customers still get the same great selection of products in each box without you having to worry about overrunning your storage space.

Subscription-Based Fulfillment near Baltimore, MD

At Cannon Hill Logistics, we’re honored that our clients trust our years of experience in logistics and order fulfillment. We work hard to help support their success, giving them the tools and staff necessary to expand without all the frustration that comes with self-managed growth.

Whether you need a firm to handle a small portion of your subscription-based fulfillment services or you need us to manage it all, we offer flexible solutions to fit your budget. We are conveniently located just 45 miles from the Port of Baltimore and 40 miles from Baltimore-Washington International Airport, giving you easy access to economical shipping services. Call today for a quote!