Product Sample Kitting Services

Offering product samples is a great way to develop customer loyalty. It lets your consumers get an up-close look, taste, smell, and feel for your products. If they’re impressed by the quality, they are likely to come back for more.

But the product is only half the appeal. The packaging will also be considered a reflection of your business. 

You could try to assemble product sample kits in-house. But this process is time-consuming and inefficient, ultimately costing your business more money than it hopes to make.

That’s why we recommend trusting Cannon Hill Logistics to handle your product sample kitting services!

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Kitting Services

Kitting services, or product bundling, is putting two or more separate products together to create one full product.

As a third-party logistics provider, we are built around these kinds of services. We have the labor, technology, and infrastructure you need to efficiently complete these sorts of supplemental tasks.

In addition, we are expert packagers. We make sure your products arrive safely and attractively, reflecting the best image of your brand. 

Finally, when you hire our kitting services, these small products will take up no extra space in your regular inventory. Stay organized with a third-party logistics partner!

Fulfillment Company on the East Coast

Here at Cannon Hill Logistics, we have over 30 years of experience working in outsourced wholesale and retail product distribution, fulfillment, and logistic services.

We can boost your business model by streamlining your kitting assembly services. By working with us, you can offer great product samples to the entire East Coast without breaking the bank!

Our fulfillment center is 45 miles from the Port of Baltimore and 40 miles from Baltimore-Washington International Airport, so inbound freight moves to us quickly and inexpensively. We can ship to half of the US population within two business days using ground transportation.

Call Cannon Hill today to learn more. 800-822-4747.